5 Standing meditation postures notes
Neiqong: 5 Standing meditation postures
Neutral posture
Lower Yin
Upper Yin
Lower Yang
Upper Yang
The 5 standing meditation postures lay the foundation for all of our Tai Chi training where we will be focusing on developing good posture, deep breathing and an aware and focused mind. Alongside the physical postures this is also where we work on our emotional intelligence focusing on developing the yin emotions of patience, kindness, tolerance and compassion, and the yang emotions of courage, determination and resolve.
The 5 standing meditation postures are a great way to begin your Tai Chi practice each day, deep breathing helps to calm and settle the mind, whilst bringing our awareness and attention in to the body and our emotions is a powerful mindfulness practice.
Training tip To begin with practice standing in each of the postures for a minute or two to become familiar with the positions and the associated mindset and emotions for each posture.
As you progress you may find it easier to spend longer in each posture but as i always say, don’t beat yourselves up with them!
Enjoy making the neiqong practice part of your daily routine :)